About us

We’re Carlotta and Eleonora, and once upon a time we had a shared dream: to work in tourism, but do it our way. We wanted to be different, create a fresh and authentic way of telling the world about our country. To jump in with both feet.

Today that dream is called Hidden Experiences.

It’s been alive and growing since 2019, and it’s our proudest professional achievement.

We like to think outside the box: we prefer the curve of a wine glass to the straight line of a graph, and shared knowledge to crowded tours. To really connect with an area, its people and its way of life, you have to use your hands and your feet: we form relationships, drink toasts and walk (a lot!) beside you.

carlotta busatta

Carlotta Busatta

Co-founder & CEO of Hidden Experiences | Graduate in International Tourism | I handle bookings and customer services

I’m precise, meticulous and fairly stubborn. I love the passion of red and the elegance of a black dress. I recharge my batteries by spending time with the people I love, but also with a good historical novel. My Grandma’s green lasagna is unforgettable, but Mom’s traditional version is pretty good too.

“My work is my lifeblood; it’s what makes me feel alive, fulfilled and satisfied. Yes, I’m exhausted by the end of the day, but it’s worth it for the joy of seeing our customers’ pleasure in our adventures together.”
Carly (to friends)

eleonora zanon

Eleonora Zanon

Co-founder & CEO of Hidden Experiences | Graduated in International Tourism | I take care of marketing, content creation and administration.

I’m versatile, just like lemon chicken, which I cook really well. I can be chaotic at times, but I keep that to myself. My favorite writer is Primo Levi, and my son is the person who makes me laugh more than anyone in the world. I’m obsessed with petrol blue, and yes, eggplant parmigiana is addictive.

“We created something amazing out of nothing. Looking back and saying ‘there was nothing and now this exists’ fills me with pride and motivates me to keep improving and continue to astonish myself.”
Ele (to friends)

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